5 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Small Business Content (for free!)

5 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Small Business Content (for free!)

Thanks to Google, SEO is an evolving beast (for the better). So, it’s important as a small business owner you stay on top of the rules of SEO engagement so your content doesn’t suffer.

Hopefully, you caught my big SEO rant on Facebook a few weeks back. So, you should now know ‘what not to do’.

This time, I’m gonna give you a few spicy tips on what you can do to optimise your content for search.

Why You Need to Make Time for Business Reflection

Why You Need to Make Time for Business Reflection

I’m a firm believer in earning money from something you enjoy doing so it doesn’t feel like you’re working. Yep. Did that. Became a world class copy writer. When you’re doing something you love, time flies, seasons change, and you become lost in the moment. Because you enjoy it so much.

But, soon enough, structure shoots out the window, boundaries come downs, you forget to say no, and you find yourself working 12-hour days, 6 days a week. But you still love it, right? You just aren’t going to survive for very long doing it. You’ll start to crack, or worse, you’ll just randomly (Spontaneously?) combust one day. Don’t be like that. Don’t combust.

Do You Need to Shake Up Your Brand Experience?

Do You Need to Shake Up Your Brand Experience?

What’s your brand saying about you? I mean, more than your designer logo and your matching shoe and clutch colour scheme. Your words, your personality, your service, your product?

And, is your brand telling a true story? Is it connecting with your ideal audience or, is your highfalutin tone attracting hipsters when you really want housewives?

I’m going to explore the link between your brand experience and your ideal audience through a tale of 3 coffee shops. Coffee. Aaah. Life’s elixir. Let’s brew on this.

How to Know When You're Ready to Hire a Copywriter

How to Know When You're Ready to Hire a Copywriter

So, you’re the head of your empire and ready to unleash your glory on the world - is it time you lassoed a copywriter to power your words and propel you to your destiny? (Read: refresh your copy and make a killing?)

If your messages aren’t getting any traction, and your business isn’t getting hits or engagement with your ideal audience – a copywriter is a logical investment.

But, to ensure it’s a beneficial investment – you gotta make sure you’re ready.

How Content Marketing Enhances Your Customer Relationships and Generates Sales

How Content Marketing Enhances Your Customer Relationships and Generates Sales

We’ve all seen it. That form of marketing that jumps out in your face, screams at you from the TV, blares from the radio, clogs your letterbox. Sure, you can’t help but notice it. But does that make it effective? Ermm... not any more. So, how are you s'posed to promote your brand and generate sales?

In this fourth and final blog post in the content marketing series, I wanted to get into the psychology behind consumer behaviour. So, I asked my super smart friend, Chanelle Gosper, to share her insights in this guest blog.

How Content Marketing Will Invigorate Your Employer Brand

Are you making the most of your online talent communities? Do you wish you were better at communicating with them but not sure how to start? In this 2017-race for top talent, organisations must stop taking their talent communities for granted and start building strong, meaningful relationships with them so when the time comes – they’re ripe for the picking.

This week I continue my blog series on the value of content marketing for your business, and explore how it will boost your employer brand within your talent communities.

It’s about an 8-minute read – but obviously, totes worth it 😉

Preparing to Launch? You Must Think Strategically About Your Launch Campaign.

Preparing to Launch? You Must Think Strategically About Your Launch Campaign.

In the past few weeks, I’ve received a lot of last minute marketing and comms requests to promote product launches, major business news / events, business re-launches, and a brand launch in line with a TV documentary release.

Literally, each of these requests came to me within the same fortnight, and the expectations of my clients was that it could all be turned around within the following week! Insane! Talk about pressure! If you are building a business, brand, or site – don’t spend months or years preparing it without also sitting down and mapping out your marketing strategy before you’re ready to hit ‘launch’. Here’s why it hurts.

How Storytelling Can Enhance Your Employer Brand During Recruitment

We all want an irresistible employer brand - but, are you missing out on opportunities to share your story?

Recruitment campaigns have long been an underutilised strategy to enhance your brand and lay the foundations for high employee engagement post appointment. Because, recruitment grants you access to an engaged audience eager to join you - So, why not impress candidates with an exceptional recruitment experience and start nurturing strong, long-term relationships with your brand. Take them on a journey through your employer story. Here's how it works.