Business Writing Tips

3 Jolly ways to make your work words jingle this Christmas

We’re on the one horse open sleigh ride into Christmas holidays. For most businesses and corporates, that’ll mean an increase in your communication with audiences. Here are 3 ways to make your work words more fun this Xmas.

5 Reasons Why Authentic Storytelling Is Good For Business

5 Reasons Why Authentic Storytelling Is Good For Business

In case you missed the memo, storytelling is all the rage in business communication. That’s because storytelling encourages us to document and share. To use emotive language and experiences to connect with our audiences and invite them along on our journey.

Has your business embraced story? Are you connecting with your audiences in a more meaningful way? Or, are you still telling them facts and information and making decisions for them? (I would call this advertising – bam bow!)

How to Know When You're Ready to Hire a Copywriter

How to Know When You're Ready to Hire a Copywriter

So, you’re the head of your empire and ready to unleash your glory on the world - is it time you lassoed a copywriter to power your words and propel you to your destiny? (Read: refresh your copy and make a killing?)

If your messages aren’t getting any traction, and your business isn’t getting hits or engagement with your ideal audience – a copywriter is a logical investment.

But, to ensure it’s a beneficial investment – you gotta make sure you’re ready.

The 4 Essential Content Platforms You Need to Promote Your New Business.

The 4 Essential Content Platforms You Need to Promote Your New Business.

So, you’re new to business. Congratulations – life is about to get amazing for you. I’m talking Nutella mochas by the beach at sunrise amazing. But, I’ll bet these early days have led to some super freak out moments. Freaky deaky hair pullin’, wine scullin’, nail bitin’ freak outs.

Like, for one - how to use your content to sell your business! What the heck is it, what are you s’posed to say, and where should you say it?

But, content doesn’t need to be difficult. And, it doesn’t need to scare you. In this post, I’ll cover the key platforms you should be focusing on to build awareness, connect with your audiences, and convert more sales.

4 Strategies to Generate Compelling Content Ideas for Your Blog

4 Strategies to Generate Compelling Content Ideas for Your Blog

It's easy to feel like some kind of intense content machine - constantly churning out words and things; blindly hoping at least one of them will be good enough to convert into a sale. All that effort seems so much more worthwhile then.

While content creating is really, really good for business - it also must be compelling because you risk turning a lot of people off when you're churning out shit. This post will run through some strategies to help you come up with enough of the right content to blow up your blog.

Are These 6 Questions Holding You Back From Starting Your Business Blog?

Are These 6 Questions Holding You Back From Starting Your Business Blog?

I’ve been there – I know how you feel. When you start out in business, life moves fast. Incredibly fast. You look like a duck on water – on the surface, you’re as cool as Danny Zuco, but underneath – your little legs are paddling so hard and fast you’re creating a whirlpool.

Life moves fast, you pick up clients, you get working on projects, and you forget about your blog. Every day you feel guilt and shame that you don’t have a blog and everyone has a blog and everyone keeps telling you you need a blog and… it all just gets a bit much, doesn’t it? So, you talk yourself out of it – I mean, what are you supposed to write about anyway? What’s the point? Where would you even begin?

My guess is the following 6 questions are rattling around in your head and they're holding you back from your blog.

5 Tips To Avoid Writer's Block

5 Tips To Avoid Writer's Block

How many times per day/week/month do you find yourself staring blankly at your stark white walls, your mind transported into another realm of fear, worry, or anticipation for your upcoming beach holiday, cocktails and the hammock you’ll be hanging from?

Whether writing is your craft or merely a requirement for your role – you will always at some point in your life find yourself staring into white space wishing your brain and hand would talk to each other and start churning out words instead of restful stillness.

Why Brisbane's Newest Copywriter Wants To Give You Coffee

Why Brisbane's Newest Copywriter Wants to Give You Coffee

So here it is.

My first blog with Craft. And all that comes to mind is...

All that sunshine on my pockets and that boppin' in my feet. No, literally. The sun is shining on my jean pockets and my feet – I’m sitting outside at my local café enjoying this new pace of life.

I’ve always had a love for writing. Always loved the art of storytelling; the craft of using humour to inform and share. But I never thought about doing it as a full time gig. Never saw myself as a 'writer'.

Sure, I’ve been in jobs where I've written stuff; I've looked after web content, social media, and used clever words to promote things. Yeah sure, I've done them, but not as a 'writer'. It was always just something extra that I did.

But in 2016, something shifted.

Suddenly, that's all I wanted to do. To write; to be a writer.

I've had an amazing time working in recruitment and strategic HR. I've learnt so much and I've always wanted to share my knowledge and experiences with others. In fact, to say I'm passionate about people is like ordering a half-strength soy latte at 8am on a Monday. Quite clearly, it's an understatement.

And so, along with my technical knowledge in the art of writing great content - I've decided to change things up - to embrace the very things that drive me; these things that put fire in my belly, super-charge my neurotransmitters, and get my blood pumping.

I'm talking about people and crafty storytelling.

I am #superexcited about Craft for what it can offer you. Clean, compelling, and concise content. Content that's written with purpose; informative yes, but sprinkled with humour and caffeinated-flair.

Content that's crafted with the audience in mind. Your audience. So that you can connect with them; engage them; motivate them to join you on your journey.

Like I will motivate you to join me on mine :)

And so here I am today. Sitting in a quiet courtyard, the laughter of tiny people hums in the background, the sun shines on my back warming my bare skin (it’s winter in Brisbane and I’m wearing a singlet). An empty coffee cup sits on the table beside me while my fingers tap vigorously on my shiny new keyboard, channelling all my pearls of wisdom into text.

And I want you to hit me up. For reals.

Because I'm now, officially, a freelance copywriter. And I'm looking for something to do...for you.

Connect with me on facie or Instagram if you'd like to follow my journey. Sure, there might be a lot of food and coffee cup photos, and I'm not apologising. I've decided my copywriting will compliment my love of coffee - I'll be making my way around Brisbane’s AWESOME coffee shops one almond milk flat white at a time.

I’m going to taste all the coffee that the Vegas has to offer, and I’ll be doing it with sunshine on my pockets, I'll be boppin' to that beat, with my laptop on the table and a client list to beat (I also rhyme pretty well too, if you're into it).

And because you're an early follower of my great adventure, I want to reward you with 'the deal of a lifetime' (but I won't be throwing in steak knives, soz).

You can meet me!

To get things rolling for Craft - I'm offering a free coffee consult for the first five people to comment on this post and say "Gimme coffee"! No strings attached - free coffee and you can pick my brain about your content woes.

I'll even let you pick the coffee shop. As long as it's not The Coffee Club. Or Glorias. Or Zaraffas. #snob

For everyone else, stay tuned. I'll be using this blog to share my people insights - the how, what, when, where, and why of communicating with your customers, clients and community. Super smart stuff you can take with you. Huzzah!