Employer Branding

New Employer Brand, Now What? How Brand Voice Helps You Stand Out and Attract Better Talent

Your employer brand is painstakingly carved out in every interaction (job seekers, new hires, employees, and departing employees) and at every touchpoint in the candidate journey. Here’s how using brand voice in recruitment marketing helps you stand out and attract better talent.

4 Reasons Why You Need to Improve Talent Engagement in 2021

Talent engagement is what happens after you attract a job seeker to your organisation; the often neglected next step after talent acquisition. Here are 4 reasons why it needs your attention in 2021.

How to effectively communicate with graduates during COVID (so they don’t love and leave)

COVID’s just messed up your recruitment plans… and you’d already started assessing applications! Now there’s a recruitment freeze, well, everything freeze. Here are 5 ideas to help maintain candidate connection while recruitment’s on pause.

Your dull job ad copy is turning away top talent

Your boring job ads are turning away top talent. Check out these ideas to sex up your job ad copy so you can start using them to their advantage - as a candidate screening tool and employer branding strategy.

How Content Marketing Will Invigorate Your Employer Brand

Are you making the most of your online talent communities? Do you wish you were better at communicating with them but not sure how to start? In this 2017-race for top talent, organisations must stop taking their talent communities for granted and start building strong, meaningful relationships with them so when the time comes – they’re ripe for the picking.

This week I continue my blog series on the value of content marketing for your business, and explore how it will boost your employer brand within your talent communities.

It’s about an 8-minute read – but obviously, totes worth it 😉

How Storytelling Can Enhance Your Employer Brand During Recruitment

We all want an irresistible employer brand - but, are you missing out on opportunities to share your story?

Recruitment campaigns have long been an underutilised strategy to enhance your brand and lay the foundations for high employee engagement post appointment. Because, recruitment grants you access to an engaged audience eager to join you - So, why not impress candidates with an exceptional recruitment experience and start nurturing strong, long-term relationships with your brand. Take them on a journey through your employer story. Here's how it works.

How You can Communicate an Effective Employer Brand (That Won't Cost You)

How You can Communicate an Effective Employer Brand (That Won't Cost You)

Having an effective employer brand is top of the HR hit list. But, how exactly do you get one – and what do you do with it once you have it? Keep reading to learn how you can communicate a killer employer brand.