employer branding

Why *only* posting on job boards is hurting your chances of finding "the one" (and 3 things you should do instead)

If your industry is still struggling in a candidate’s market, then this habit of dumping job ads on job boards as the only “recruitment advertising” strategy is hurting your chances of finding your “one”. Here are three things to do instead.

How to Use Content Marketing for Employer Branding

HR professionals and talent acquisition need to act like marketers when it comes to employer branding. Learn how to use content marketing to raise brand awareness, connect you with the right candidates while deterring misfits, and enhance employee engagement.

How To Write Rejection Emails That Empower Candidates

If you truly want to establish your reputation as an employer of choice driven by a solid candidate experience, you need to get comfortable with (and good at) writing rejection emails. Here’s how to write a good email that gives candidates closure.

How to Nail Candidate Updates When You’re Very Busy and Important

Good candidate communication is easy to achieve and yet… rarely done. This post will help you plan and structure your updates so they can be pre-written and semi-automated; ready to send with the click of a button as candidates move through your recruitment process.

Sucky Candidate Experience? How Employers Can Do Better Recruitment Communication

Good communication is the primary driver of a positive candidate experience. In Part 1 of this 3-Part series, you’ll learn the benefits of balancing tech with the human touch to create timely, transparent & friendly recruitment communication.

New Employer Brand, Now What? How Brand Voice Helps You Stand Out and Attract Better Talent

Your employer brand is painstakingly carved out in every interaction (job seekers, new hires, employees, and departing employees) and at every touchpoint in the candidate journey. Here’s how using brand voice in recruitment marketing helps you stand out and attract better talent.

Marketing is changing. Here are 3 simple ways to improve your content in 2020

The way we market and sell things must adapt to meet our audience’s expectations. You may not have a massive marketing budget but that doesn’t mean you should do a bad job of it. Here are three ways I see content marketing changing in 2020.