Small Business (General)

Think employer branding only works for big brands? Why EB is the BEST way for small brands to stand out.

If your business has a small or unknown brand and you’re struggling to compete with industry giants, you may benefit from a strategic employer branding campaign. Here are three reasons why employer branding has a big benefit for small-brand businesses.

Marketing is changing. Here are 3 simple ways to improve your content in 2020

The way we market and sell things must adapt to meet our audience’s expectations. You may not have a massive marketing budget but that doesn’t mean you should do a bad job of it. Here are three ways I see content marketing changing in 2020. 

Stop Chasing Fake Likes and Start Amplifying Your Face-to-Face Brand

Stop Chasing Fake Likes and Start Amplifying Your Face-to-Face Brand

This obsession with content. So. Much. Content.

This obsession with likes and follows. Like me back. Unfollow. Tit for tat even though your tat has nothing to do with your target market and is really just distorting your audience profile and limiting the effectiveness of your promotions.

But still, you chase it.

5 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Small Business Content (for free!)

5 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Small Business Content (for free!)

Thanks to Google, SEO is an evolving beast (for the better). So, it’s important as a small business owner you stay on top of the rules of SEO engagement so your content doesn’t suffer.

Hopefully, you caught my big SEO rant on Facebook a few weeks back. So, you should now know ‘what not to do’.

This time, I’m gonna give you a few spicy tips on what you can do to optimise your content for search.

Why You Need to Make Time for Business Reflection

Why You Need to Make Time for Business Reflection

I’m a firm believer in earning money from something you enjoy doing so it doesn’t feel like you’re working. Yep. Did that. Became a world class copy writer. When you’re doing something you love, time flies, seasons change, and you become lost in the moment. Because you enjoy it so much.

But, soon enough, structure shoots out the window, boundaries come downs, you forget to say no, and you find yourself working 12-hour days, 6 days a week. But you still love it, right? You just aren’t going to survive for very long doing it. You’ll start to crack, or worse, you’ll just randomly (Spontaneously?) combust one day. Don’t be like that. Don’t combust.