Want to Write Better Content? Know Your Audience.

Want to Write Better Content? Know Your Audience.

They say content is King. So, you started blogging and sending emails. You started a Facebook business page and you’re posting prolifically on Instagram. You dabble with video from time to time, plucking up your nerve to make it a full-time thang. Great. Content = King.

Before we even get into technique and the detail of great writing – you must know your audience. You must know who you’re writing for otherwise, nothing’s gonna stick!

How To Share Business Stories That Connect And Convert

I recently worked with a small business client. She asked me, how can my business stand out? How can my content cut through and generate more sales?

“Well, darling” I purred. “You tell stories.”

Honest stories. Relatable stories. Inspiring stories. Stories that build audiences. Stories that lure them, that hook them, that leave them hungrier for more. You create an insatiable appetite for your story.

You don’t want to sit in your business dingy every day, without any wine or cheese, and just chill… bored… tired… exhausted… sunburnt…hopeless… helpless… for 12 hours straight, your hook and sinker submerged in the water, waiting. Waiting. Waiting for an unsuspecting fishy to swim by and take a bite.

What. A. waste. Of. Your. Time.

5 Reasons Why Authentic Storytelling Is Good For Business

5 Reasons Why Authentic Storytelling Is Good For Business

In case you missed the memo, storytelling is all the rage in business communication. That’s because storytelling encourages us to document and share. To use emotive language and experiences to connect with our audiences and invite them along on our journey.

Has your business embraced story? Are you connecting with your audiences in a more meaningful way? Or, are you still telling them facts and information and making decisions for them? (I would call this advertising – bam bow!)

Are You Marketing Your Business Brand, Authentically?

Are You Marketing Your Business Brand, Authentically?

Before I freelanced, I built engaging employer brands for graduate recruiters. It came to me as easy as eating flourless chocolate mud-cake. Smooth. Because, I was sharing someone else’s story.

I was sharing my love and connection to another’s brand. Videoing other employees. Sharing other employee’s stories. Speaking in someone else’s brand voice. I was the faceless storyteller behind the story.

Why You Need to Combine SEO With Content Marketing for Greater Results

Why You Need to Combine SEO With Content Marketing for Greater Results

You’ve done all this awesome work improving your SEO – but, are you making it work?

When you’re just starting out in business, SEO alone is not enough to thrust you into pole position in Google search. SEO isn’t Michael Schumacher, it’s the Ferrari. You are Michael Schumacher – you still need to drive it.  

This blog will share how.

5 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Small Business Content (for free!)

5 Simple SEO Tips to Boost Your Small Business Content (for free!)

Thanks to Google, SEO is an evolving beast (for the better). So, it’s important as a small business owner you stay on top of the rules of SEO engagement so your content doesn’t suffer.

Hopefully, you caught my big SEO rant on Facebook a few weeks back. So, you should now know ‘what not to do’.

This time, I’m gonna give you a few spicy tips on what you can do to optimise your content for search.

Why You Need to Make Time for Business Reflection

Why You Need to Make Time for Business Reflection

I’m a firm believer in earning money from something you enjoy doing so it doesn’t feel like you’re working. Yep. Did that. Became a world class copy writer. When you’re doing something you love, time flies, seasons change, and you become lost in the moment. Because you enjoy it so much.

But, soon enough, structure shoots out the window, boundaries come downs, you forget to say no, and you find yourself working 12-hour days, 6 days a week. But you still love it, right? You just aren’t going to survive for very long doing it. You’ll start to crack, or worse, you’ll just randomly (Spontaneously?) combust one day. Don’t be like that. Don’t combust.

Do You Need to Shake Up Your Brand Experience?

Do You Need to Shake Up Your Brand Experience?

What’s your brand saying about you? I mean, more than your designer logo and your matching shoe and clutch colour scheme. Your words, your personality, your service, your product?

And, is your brand telling a true story? Is it connecting with your ideal audience or, is your highfalutin tone attracting hipsters when you really want housewives?

I’m going to explore the link between your brand experience and your ideal audience through a tale of 3 coffee shops. Coffee. Aaah. Life’s elixir. Let’s brew on this.

How to Know When You're Ready to Hire a Copywriter

How to Know When You're Ready to Hire a Copywriter

So, you’re the head of your empire and ready to unleash your glory on the world - is it time you lassoed a copywriter to power your words and propel you to your destiny? (Read: refresh your copy and make a killing?)

If your messages aren’t getting any traction, and your business isn’t getting hits or engagement with your ideal audience – a copywriter is a logical investment.

But, to ensure it’s a beneficial investment – you gotta make sure you’re ready.